Storck announces re-election bid

Mount Vernon District Supervisor Dan Storck speaks to supporters during his reelection announcement event. Left-Right: Board of Supervisors Chairman Sharon Bulova, Lee District school board representative Tamara Derenak Kaufax, and U.S. Rep. Don Beyer.
Flanked by Rep. Don Beyer and elected officials from around the county, Mount Vernon District Supervisor Dan Storck officially announced his intention to run for a second term on the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors on Saturday afternoon.
“We have an agenda to really move this district along,” Storck told the crowd packed into his Riverside Gardens home.
During his remarks, Storck highlighted a number of accomplishments related to the Route 1 area, including the passage of the Embark Richmond Highway amendment and the coming investment in Richmond Highway in the form of the road widening project and Bus Rapid Transit project. He also expressed optimism about the future of the Original Mount Vernon High School redevelopment project, noting the recent agreement with Northern Virginia Community College to begin offering classes there.
“We’ve had an amazing run the last few years. ” Storck said. “And it will frankly pale in comparison of what the next 3-4 years will be.”
Storck said he made the reelection announcement early in the hopes of having “one of the most intense and effective campaigns I’ve run.” He singled out a number of colleagues for praise, particularly Lee District Supervisor Jeff McKay and Board of Supervisors Chairman Sharon Bulova, who introduced him.
Bulova singled out Storck’s work on revitalization and said he would be a “pivotal” voice for the board if reelected. She noted the large number of Mount Vernon-area supporters crowded inside Storck’s home, saying it reflected his ability to work with the community.
“I think that’s a real testament to the work that Dan has done … for his Mount Vernon District” Bulova said.
So far no other candidates have announced an intention to run for supervisor in the Mount Vernon District in 2019.
Storck, 65, joined the board in 2016 after prevailing in a four-way Democratic primary and then beating Republican Jane Gandee in the 2015 general election. Prior to that he served three terms as the Mount Vernon representative to the Fairfax County School Board.
Before becoming an elected official he volunteered in various community roles, including president of the West Potomac High School PTSA and a board member/president for Good Shepherd Housing and Family Services.
Storck referenced housing near the end of his remarks, saying that he and McKay are committed to maintaining affordable housing in the Route 1 corridor as redevelopment of the area continues.
“We don’t want a community that doesn’t include the people who are here now,” Storck said. “[That] is not going to be Mount Vernon. Mount Vernon … is a place that we can all call home.”
Notes: The elected officials among the attendees included Lee District Supervisor Jeff McKay, Del. Paul Krizek (D-44), Del. Mark Sickles (D-43), Fairfax County Commonwealth’s Attorney Ray Morrogh, Sully District Supervisor Kathy Smith, Mount Vernon school board representative Karen Corbett Sanders, Lee District school board representative Tamara Derenak Kaufax, at-large school board member Ryan McElveen and Mount Vernon District Planning Commissioner Walter Clarke.
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