Covering The Corridor ceasing publication

Regular readers of this website may have noticed a slowdown in articles over the past couple months, particularly in the past few weeks. For a variety of reasons — professional, personal and financial — it’s been more and more difficult to keep the site updated.
Because these circumstances will not be changing any time soon, I have made the decision to cease publication of Covering The Corridor, effective immediately.
This was a very difficult decision. Covering The Corridor was founded in 2016 to help fill what I thought was a big gap in local news in the Route 1 corridor of Fairfax County. The site grew steadily each year, and 2020 was on pace to shatter last year’s records in both page views and visitors.
But Covering The Corridor has never come close to being a sustainable website financially, and I don’t see any path that would allow that to happen in the near future.
I’d like to express my gratitude to everyone who has supported this venture. I’m especially grateful to those who have donated financially or purchased advertising on the site. Every penny that the site earned was invested in freelancers, infrastructure and all the other little things that allowed Covering The Corridor to operate.
The most rewarding part of publishing Covering The Corridor has always been the interactions with residents who were passionate about the Richmond Highway community. It’s been harder to make these connections in recent months, and the site’s quality has been poorer because of it.
It is a tough time for local news publications nationwide. I hope that the Richmond Highway area is eventually home to a robust online publication that keeps residents informed, does real reporting and helps build community. The residents of this wonderful area deserve nothing less.
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Phil Creed, Publisher
Sorry to see you go. Good luck with future endeavors.
Covering the Corridor certainly has filled the community’s need for local news.. It’s unfortunate that the venture you started is not sustainable. Many thanks to you and your helpers for the service you provided since 2016. Wishing you the best.
Truly a loss for us! Thank you for your hard work, I appreciated it.
I love this newspaper. Sad its going away, but understand.
I’ve been following CTC on twitter for a while now and truly enjoyed
your publication. I’ve lived near the highway for 58 years. I wish you
all the best and if you ever start again I’m sure there will be others ready to
Thanks again
Jim Cumbo
Will be sad to see this go away, hopefully someone will contact you and possibly take over.
Thanks for all the work & news over the years!
So sorry CTC is coming to an end. I could always count on the info to be accurate and it was great to have a on line pub focused so locally. Thank you for your hard work and dedication to the effort to keep people informed.
So sorry to see you go. I used to live on Route 1 in Lorton as a teenager. I am a 1963 graduate of old Mount Vernon High School, and used to live in Hybla Valley, on Lockheed Boulevard.
So sorry to hear this — thank you for your journalism and local community service. You and The Corridor will be missed.
Oh now. Small Businesses always get the hard blow. Cant you get any of the stimulus for small business. This really sucks.
You will be missed. Hope a miracle happens. I believe in miracles.
Be safe!
So sorry CTC is coming to an end. I could always count on the info to be accurate and it was great to have a on line pub focused so locally. Thank you for your hard work and dedication to the effort to keep people informed.
Thanks for the effort. It was the best of information for our area but we understand
At a time when bad news fills most of our inboxes, the departure of Covering the Corridor is devastating news and a tremendous loss to the community. I cannot think of a single article from which residents of the surrounding community like myself did not receive some direct benefit. Hands down, you provided the most comprehensive, targeted, frontline information and gave it to us more expeditiously than anyone else. A very deep hole will be left by your departure–figuratively speaking, like a second ravaging of the South Alex development, which you covered brilliantly. Thank you many times over for the best 3.5 years of dedicated local coverage that I’ve seen in my 34 years here!
Thank you, Phil, for everything you’ve done with this effort. As a relative newcomer to the area, I’ve found Covering the Corridor to be informative and truly valuable. I salute your efforts.
I have enjoyed your articles and will miss them. Thanks for all your efforts on this website.
Sorry to see you go. This site has been very informative. Best of luck in your future endeavors.
I am so sorry to see you go. You have preformed a wonderful service for our community. Best wishes for a wonderful future.
Well that’s depressing. I actually came to the website thinking I should make a donation to support my local news and this is the first story I saw.
I am truly, truly, TRULY sorry that Covering the Corridor will cease publication. I have come to rely heavily on it to keep me informed of around the way goings, comings, happenings, etc. I came to learn so much from your news. I would like to personally thank you for the time and expense you have spent on its publications.
I will TRULY miss Covering the Corridor??
Best regards and thank you again!!
Eleanor Foddrell
Thanks for all the great reporting Phil!
Thanks Jay, it was great to meet you through this. I learned a lot from you about the area’s history. Best of luck.
So sorry to see you leave. I have missed your articles and feel you have done the best job of any publication since I’ve lived here the past 20 years! Good luck to you?
As a nearly life-long resident of “the corridor” I appreciated the substantive coverage of important civic and historical topics. I am sorry that the site has to close. Thanks for all the good articles.
A loss to our little slice of the “community”. It always made me feel like you were looking out for us, giving us information we could use. You will be missed.
I appreciated the insights and perspectives you’ve provided over the years. I hope you find a way to come back at some point in the future.
Sorry to see Ctc go, always had the lowdown on the local, best of luck
I’m sort of a new local. We moved here because of the military and I’m from a much smaller town in Arkansas. I’ve loved how this website makes this area feel a little smaller and more community like. We are sad to see it go. You did a great job. Good luck.
You’re def going to be missed! I love local news! I truly wish you the best. I’ve lived here for the 30+ years, a background in markers, publishing and advertising. There’s a few of us still here. We perhaps should talk as it appears you’re going to be sorely missed and perhaps I/we can keep it alive or revive? Please contact me.
I think Jay Roberts said it best above: “Thanks for all the great reporting.” Pew Research Center published a report last week headlined “U.S. newspapers have shed half of their newsroom employees since 2008.” I imagine online LOCAL news is challenged too, but it remains critically important. I saw my (former) Mount Vernon supervisor go to jail for taking bribes on zoning cases. To quote the slogan one of your local competitors adopted in 2017, Democracy Dies in Darkness. Thank you for the long nights and clear writing.
What a loss. Thanks for everything.
Very sad to hear, it was great to have heard of coveringthecorridor, I learn so much information I never got with other news sources. You will be greatly missed. Thank you for everything you’ve done for this community and wish you the best!
That’s why I carry in the corridor.
That guy…
Wow, that’s bad news. Covering the Corridor did a really good job of covering hyper-local news. Sorry to see this is not working out for the owner/publisher.
I found more news on your site than anywhere else. I really will miss it. I wish you all the best in future endeavors.
So sorry to hear this. It has been such a pleasure to have local news that we can trust.
I only found your site recently and have been very impressed with the quality reporting. So sad to hear you’re shutting it down, but completely understand. It must seem like a thankless job, but I for one am very thankful that you took this on. Best of luck to you!
Thank you for your service to the community. I’m saddened for the loss of this site – it’s been vital to me for important local information and awareness. Few alternatives and no depth or real reporting. If you considered sharing the financials for support I would definitely provide some $$ assistance! Best of luck to you, Phil.
Thanks for doing such a great job of providing the “skinny” on local events. Here’s hoping your situation improves soon!
Sorry to see you go I loved your website and articles
Phil, Thanks for all the information you’ve provided. Good luck in the future. Tom S
Keeler Court.
Hey Tom, thanks for the kind words. I really appreciated our conversations, you were a tremendous help and it was great to get to know you.
This is a huge loss for the local community. Anything we can do to help?
All the best in your other endeavors but I am so sad to see you go. CTC has been my goto site for local news since you first started. I hope someone can step up and fill the gap you leave.
Your coverage was an asset to the community and will be missed. Best of luck in your future endeavors!
Sorry to see you leave. I too ran a local news website that had to close after 6 years…not due to financial reasons, but for work reasons. My employer really objected to me stirring the pot cause it had blown back on him at times. Even the major corporations can’t make news pay anymore so doing news for profit is a thing of the past. You’re sure you can’t proceed as a volunteer type publication?
Phil, I truly appreciate what you accomplished and am so sorry CTC is ending. You created something special. Best of luck in your next endeavors.
Thanks Scott, your support was much appreciated.
Phil – your publication has been a huge asset to the Rt 1 Corridor. Timely, insightful, thorough. Everything required for good journalism. I’m truly sorry to see you go…..but understandable given our current environment. Small businesses like ours are feeling the effects of this pandemic. Best of luck!
Thanks Steve, it was nice meeting you. Good luck and good health to you and your family.
I am so sorry to read of this. We just moved to the area 11 months ago, and found CTC to be invaluable in learning about our new neighborhood.
Please know that you will be missed and that your work was most appreciated!
I have been reading your site since the beginning. Originally, my Richmond Hwy news was from the county residentisl and zoning pages and from SFDC. I fully segued to your site for the details, focus and the range of news offered for the area which I was no longer receiving or finding hard to find from the other two options. I am very sorry to see your site go but can only imagine the financial strain and stress. I so very much appreciated your site. It will be sorely missed. Take care and stay safe.
Thank you for seeing the need to publish truly local news and fulfilling it. You have always presented the facts and upcoming developments without taking sides. I appreciate your dedication to and work ethic for The Corridor Community. You have made it a better place to live. All my best.
Thank you for your vital journalism. Local journalism is more important now than ever. Your publication has been invaluable in helping me learn about all the various projects in and around the neighborhood along with the support the community can provide to local businesses and such.
With much gratitude for your dedication throughout the years and for being the “glue”
Best of luck to you! I learned so much about this community and I am so grateful for your time and efforts. Thank you.
Please let me know if you are able to re-open the site and give the same wonderful reporting you have provided for the last three years. I will make a donation.
Thank you Phil! I will miss your posts and updates!