Coronavirus cases continue to make big jumps in county, region

The number of coronavirus cases in Fairfax County stands at 188 as of Sunday evening, an increase of more than 500 percent compared to a week ago.
The county, which is Virginia’s largest jurisdiction, has the most coronavirus (COVID-19) cases in the state. Fairfax recorded its second death from coronavirus on Saturday, and in the past few days disclosed its first three cases for children 17 or younger.
Residents between the ages of 18-49 make up the majority of cases in the county. A breakdown of coronavirus cases by age group in the county can be seen here.
Regionally, Fairfax County’s total is lower than the second, third- and fourth-largest jurisdictions in the area. Montgomery County, Maryland, which is slightly smaller than Fairfax County, has 301 confirmed cases. Prince George’s County has 247 cases.
Washington D.C., which has a smaller population than the three counties mentioned above, has 401 confirmed cases, with nine deaths.
Across Virgina the number of coronavirus cases continues to make large jumps and now stands at 890, with 112 hospitalizations and 22 deaths.
Peak prediction
A new study by the University of Washington projects that coronavirus hospitalizations and deaths in Virginia will not peak until early May. By that time there will be 32 deaths per day in the state, with more than 3,500 people hospitalized, according to the study.
The number of ICU hospitalizations is projected to be 512, which is 183 more ICU beds than the state currently has, according to the study.
You can view the study’s data here.
Current coronavirus cases breakdown:
- Cases in Fairfax County: 188 (as of March 29)
- Tests Fairfax County: Unknown (as of March 29)
- Deaths in Fairfax County: 2 (as of March 29)
source: Fairfax Department of Health
- Cases in Virginia: 890 (as of March 29)
- Tests in Virginia: 10,609 (as of March 29)
- Deaths in Virginia: 22 (as of March 29)
source: Virginia Department of Health
- Cases in U.S. 122,653 (as of March 20)
- Tests in United States: unknown (as of March 20)
- Deaths in United States: 2,112 (as of March 20)
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