West Potomac science fair winners headed for regional competition

Hundreds of West Potomac students took park in the high school’s annual science fair January 11, with all first place winners headed to a regional fair in March.
The participants competed in categories ranging from plant sciences to environmental engineering. The first place winners, listed below, will now go on to the Regional Science Fair at Robinson Secondary School, which will run from March 20-22.
“The science fair allows students an opportunity to do independent research and fosters a deep interest in science by allowing students an opportunity to investigate their passion,” West Potomac department chair for science Garrett Hubbard said. “It helps students prepare for the modern workplace by giving practice on the management of a long term, independent project.”
The science fair’s 1st place award winners and their projects:
- Booran Dhaba, Jackson Mayo: Electrolyte Challenge
- Nicole Jones: Boom’n Algae: The Effect of Nutrient Rich Pollutants on Algae Growth
Physics and Astronomy
- Evan Bednarek, Robert Lamb, Adam Bao: The Effect of External Airbags on Car Crash Force
Environmental Engineering
- Owen Barr, Mike Oelschlager: The Effect of Wind Turbine Blade Area on Power Output
- Jack Taylor, Jake Cooper, Reilly Clautice: The Effect of Different Dispersants on the Concentration of Oil in Water
Earth and Environment Sciences
- Carson Marshall: The Effect of Water Source on the Chemical Components of Water
- Andrei Zaitsev, Evelyn Mulhern: The Effect of Urban Areas on Nitrate Levels in Adjacent Waterways
- Elizabeth Montoya-LaPorte, Callie Miller: The Effect of Cattails and the Forest on Water Quality
- Issac James: How usable are vertical wind turbines in taking a city off the grid?
- Brady Hoey, Alyssa Nolan, Ave Clyburn: The effect of water on plant growth
Energy: Chemical
- Mark Belle-Isle, Dylan Black, Charlie Ruppe: The Effect of electrical current on the pH salt water solutions
- Sophia Cicero, Renee Temple, Macy Lindblom: The effect of varying pH levels on the denaturation rate of protein
Engineering Mechanics
- Grant Hamilton, Jr Dunn: The effect of Dielectric contamination on the capacitance of a basic capacitor
Energy: Physical
- Sam Watterson, Sam Bachmore, Carter Hamilton: The effect of magnets on generator output
Biomedical and Health Sciences
- Wes Hutcherson, Ethan Hanson, Chris Hewitt: The Effect of Liquid Solutions on Air Pressure
Plant Sciences
- Aaron Kopp, Ethan Brodie, Michael Weinraub: The Effect of Different Plants on the Amount of CO2 in the Air
Congratulations to all of the winners. Glad to see that students are considering problems that are solved through multiple experimental trials, data collection and analysis and not projects that are simply a demonstration of scientific knowledge. Good luck at the Regional Fair.