Police say attempted abduction of Belle View Elementary student was false report

An alleged attempted abduction reported by a Belle View Elementary School student earlier this week was a false report, according to the Fairfax County Police.
The FCPD said Thursday evening that “after an extensive several day investigation detectives have determined the event did not occur.” The police did not elaborate further, and thanked the community for helping during the investigation.
Thursday’s announcement comes a day after the police announced that an unknown man had tried to abduct a Belle View student walking in the 6660 block of Fort Hunt Road on Tuesday afternoon. The initial report said the man came up behind the student and tried to pick them up before the student fought back and the assailant ran off.
False reports like these divert resources from where they are needed. The student should be suspended and the parents should get a bill for the man hours used to investigate it.
Did you think that the child may have been embarrassed! Scared and humiliated about the public view and intense scrutiny from the police , worries family and friends, and simply retracted the story to avoid further exposure? He is a child , think how he may have felt, put yourself in his or her shoes!