Chase The Chill holds third annual “scarf storming”

The Mount Vernon chapter of Chase The Chill donated more than 200 handmade scarves early Friday morning as part of the group’s 3rd annual “scarf storming” on Richmond Highway.
The Chase The Chill volunteers hung the scarves before dawn in front of Neighborhood Health at 6677 Richmond Highway. This year Chase The Chill hung around 220 scarves on trees and signs in front of the building.
Chase The Chill Mount Vernon held its first scarf storming in front of the South County Government Center in 2017. In the three years that the group of knitters and crocheters has been holding the event, they’ve given out more than 600 scarves, according to Denise Hayden, who has helped organize the Mount Vernon chapter.

Chase The Chill started in Easton, Pa. in 2008 and now has chapters around the country and in Canada. The volunteers combine art and charity by knitting and crocheting scarves throughout the year, and then holding “scarf storming” events in public places to distribute them.
The Mount Vernon chapter of Chase The Chill meets the second Thursday of the month between 6-9 p.m. at Heritage Presbyterian Church, located at 8503 Fort Hunt Road (see map). All knitters and crocheters are welcome, and you can follow them on Facebook here.

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