Picture: Tree falls right between cars

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These two vehicles didn’t escape unscathed — especially the SUV on the right — but at least it wasn’t a direct hit.

The large pine fell at the Meadows Woods Apartments in Hybla Valley in Thursday’s night’s storm. The trunk of the uprooted tree landed right between a Dodge Durango and a Cheverolet Impala, breaking a window, a mirror and damaging the side of the Durango. The Impala appeared largely unscathed, as both cars managed to avoid a direct hit.

Two SUVs at the other end of the tree suffered minor damage as well, and remained trapped under the tree as late as Friday afternoon.

Thursday night’s storms pounded much of the D.C. area with heavy winds and rain, and left thousands without power for much of the night into the following day. No deaths or injuries were reported in Fairfax County, but a tree did kill a woman in Montgomery County after it fell on her vehicle.