Thursday meeting in Gum Springs to discuss future development, potential of displacement

The South County Task Force is hosting a second “Community Conversation” on redevelopment and displacement in the Richmond Highway area Thursday evening at the Bethlehem Baptist Church.
Representatives from the Fairfax County Department of Transportation, VDOT, the Southeast Fairfax County Development Corporation (SFDC), and the Northern Virginia Affordable Housing Alliance will be among those on hand to discuss issues related to the expected redevelopment of the Richmond Highway corridor, particularly in the Gum Springs and Hybla Valley areas.
Thursday’s meeting will include discussions how development will affect the cost of living, how the redevelopment process works and how citizens can work to influence what will be built.
The meeting follows up on an initial Community Conversation in April. That meeting (see video highlights below) discussed potential changes coming to the corridor as envisioned in the Embark Richmond Highway plan. Aside from the addition of more transit options, the event looked at how new development would affect residents already living around Route 1.
Thursday’s meeting agenda:
- 6:30-6:45: View displays and get snacks
- 6:45: Welcomes and introduction to the program
- 7:00: Video and report from April Community Conversations meeting. Michelle Krocker, Northern Virginia Affordable Housing Alliance
- 7:35: How we attract developers. Edythe Kelleher, Southeast Fairfax Development Corporation
- 7:50: What type of development do we want to attract? Mary Paden, chair, South County Task Force
- 8:00: Table discussions. Post ideas on the wall.
- 8:50: Closing and what next?
- 9:00: Adjourn
Light refreshments will be served. The host do ask that you RSVP here if you plan on attending.
The Bethlehem Baptist Church is located at 7836 Fordson Road (see map).
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