Lukens Lane 7-Eleven makeover recommended for approval

Staff from Fairfax County’s Department of Planning and Zoning have signaled support for 7-Eleven’s proposal to redevelop the Lukens Lane 7-Eleven into a larger, more modern store with gas pumps.
The county released a staff report last week on the company’s request, which envisions a new 4,500-square foot 7-Eleven with six pumping stations (a total of 12 pumps). Originally 7-Eleven had applied to have eight pumping stations, but the county asked for a reduction, according to the staff report.

The new 7-Eleven would be a prototype store for the franchise, and would be located on the empty lot next to the current store, with the gas pumps and some parking roughly where the current building stands. The exterior of the new building would be brick, and environmentally friendly materials would be used to improve the appearance and efficiency of the building, according to the county.
“[7-Eleven] proposes to build a new prototype store which features an attractive 1-inch Nichiha panel system on all elevations … [which] are an industry recognized environmentally sensitive product that qualifies for points on LEED certified projects,” the report said. “The proposed architectural elevations represent a major upgrade and improvement over the existing building on-site.”
Additionally, a five-foot sidewalk would be built on both the Lukens Lane and Richmond Highway sides of the property, and the fence on the rear of the property — currently in poor condition — would be replaced by a 7-foot block wall. Deciduous trees and shrubs would be planted around the property, including a 12-foot tall buffer of bushes and trees south of the fence and another buffer area along Richmond Highway in front of the gas pumps.
Customers would enter the store either from Lukens Lane or from a right-in, right-out entrance on Richmond Highway. The current service road along Richmond Highway would be removed to make room for the upcoming widening of the highway.
7-Eleven’s current plan calls for 36 parking spaces, which is more than the county requires. In the staff report, county planners said they are encouraging 7-Eleven to reduce the number of parking spaces and replace them with additional landscaping.

The current building was constructed in 1961 and has been a 7-Eleven since 1973, according to the county. A Denny’s restaurant once stood in the vacant lot next to the building.
The plan for the new store and gas pumps will next go through a public hearing in front of the Fairfax County Planning Commission on June 26. It is then scheduled to go before the Board of Supervisors for a public hearing and final vote on July 16.
7 Eleven gas lanes great idea. Costco adding gas lanes good idea. We need street lights on Jeff Todd Way. The visibility at night is dangerous. The street has winding roads. When it rains the road is hard to see at night. There have been numerous accidents.