2019 paving program announced for Mount Vernon and Lee districts

The condition of the George Washington Parkway may seem hopeless, but at least many residents who live next to it will have freshly paved streets this summer.
VDOT has released its 2019 paving maps for the Mount Vernon and Lee districts, and the Fort Hunt and Waynewood areas are this year’s prime recipients of new streets. All state roads south of Collingwood Drive, east of Fort Hunt Road and north of Fort Hunt Park will be repaved. Additionally, Vernon View Drive and all roads between it and Fort Hunt Park will be repaved.
An interactive map of the summer 2019 paving program can be viewed on VDOT’s website.
Over in the 22309, a few streets off of Sunny View Drive are scheduled to be repaved this summer. In Lee District, streets in the Rose Hill area, as well as Hayfield Road in between Telegraph Road and Manchester Lakes Boulevard, are scheduled to be paved.
State Sen. Scott Surovell called the repaving “long overdue” in a press release sent Monday. He credited a tax increase in 2013 for making the paving work possible.
“I voted for the 2013 transportation bill as a State Delegate after a significant reduction of the Hybrid Tax,” Surovell wrote. “Though it was not perfect, the 2013 bill provided the revenues necessary to restart road maintenance that had been put on hold for two years. We had not raised transportation taxes in 28 years and we are continuing to dig out of the maintenance backlog. Re-paving these streets is long overdue.”
Paving typically takes place between 9 a.m.-3 p.m., although primary roads are sometimes worked on overnight. VDOT says it will notify residents about 10 days ahead of time when their street is work is coming, but there is no set schedule yet.
You can comment on this year’s Mount Vernon District paving program on VDOT’s website. There’s also a meeting this Thursday at the South County Government Center at 6:30 p.m.
Lee District’s paving meeting was held on March 8, but you can comment on that district’s program until Friday.
How can we get sidewalks on telegraph road both east and west? I live near Franconia and telegraph and the sidewalks are ibidimal and dangerous for children. It’s a stare road so finding my constituent gas been hard. Any help appreciaterciated.