Tire-eating pothole frustrates GW Parkway drivers
(Courtesy of Curtis Hunter) (Courtesy of Curtis Hunter)
Update on 1/8: State Sen. Scott Surovell tweeted Tuesday afternoon that Rep. Don Beyer had informed him the pothole was filled in. See tweet here.
Several drivers heading northbound on the George Washington Parkway near Belle Haven Marina over the past few days have sustained damage to their tires and rims, thanks to a large pothole whose exact repair time is uncertain due to the government shutdown.
The pothole is located in the far-right lane just north of Belle Haven Road, immediately after the road surface changes from stone to asphalt.
A U.S. Park Police Public Information Officer was unable to provide an update on when the destructive hole might be repaired since he was on furlough due to the ongoing government shutdown.
State Sen. Scott Surovell said his office contacted the National Park Service and Rep. Don Beyer’s staff to notify them about the problem. Meanwhile, drivers are encouraged to stay in the left lane when driving northbound near the marina.
Maybe, something like this issue can be built upon for the future. “ with future approval (s) and established guidelines, to have in place a repair template, showing cost (s) based on a size and have an Indpendant Company to call upon to satisfy a 1st class repair. U ask why an Indpendant, cause the State Workers are slow at. Leaning out ditches and take all day to accomplish 1/2 days work. To MUCH Beaurocrcy . Costa
Simple fix: Tell PELOSI and her flying monkeys to quit trying to use the border wall issue to knock the President out and do their jobs! Fund the needed wall ad let our federal employees go back to work.
It’s Trump’s border wall issue.
Trump created this mess. Pelosi is doing what most Americans want her to do – not one penny for Trump’s Folly!