County, local groups at odds over redevelopment of 8800 Richmond Highway
For nearly four hours last Thursday, speakers testified before the Fairfax County Planning Commission about what they think is best for the future of an eight-acre property located at 8800 Richmond Highway.
Many nearby residents and civic groups want the 8-acre lot, which is south of the Sacramento Center and north of Dogue Creek on the west side of Route 1, to be converted into a 43-unit townhouse development. Opponents of that plan prefer it be converted to park land or kept as private open space. And others, particularly members of the planning commission, wondered if there was a middle ground between those two positions.
The only thing everyone agreed on: The property needs a lot of TLC after nearly 50 years of being used for various commercial and light industrial enterprises.
“I personally have lived near the property for 37 years,” said Judith Harbeck, who testified on behalf of the Mount Vernon Council of Citizens Associations in favor of the townhouse plan. “And for all that time it has been an embarrassment, a blight and an environmental disaster in every sense of the word.”
Ultimately, the planning commission deferred a decision on amending the county’s comprehensive plan to allow for denser residential development on the property until Sept. 13. The public can still offer feedback until then, and the planning commissioners themselves have a site visit scheduled for early August.
Redeveloping 8800 Richmond Highway — or even converting it to park land or improved private open space — has many challenges. Perhaps the biggest of those challenges: Almost the entire lot falls within the 100-year floodplain for Dogue Creek. The land is also located within an area designated by the county as an Environmental Quality Corridor (EQC) — a type of area the county comprehensive plan says can only be disturbed in “extraordinary circumstances.” On top those environmental circumstances, 8800 is also part of a Resource Protected Area (RPA).
Those issues were cited by the Fairfax County Department of Planning and Zoning earlier this month when it released a report, in response to a request from the Board of Supervisors, saying it did not recommend amending the comprehensive plan to allow for townhome-density development on the site.
“[N]ew residential development that significantly encroaches into a floodplain and EQC and would require filling in a floodplain is contrary to long-established county policy and newly adopted [Embark] Plan recommendations for the Richmond Highway Corridor,” county staff said in the report.
That conclusion did not sit well with members of the MVCCA, nearby residents, the landowner and the prospective developer. Those parties contend that the county is being too rigid in its interpretation of guidelines laid out in the Embark Richmond Highway plan and other county rules on development. Development in a flood plain is not unheard of, and private investment in the property is the best way to improve the degraded environmental state of the site, supporters of the townhome plan said.
“This is not a situation where the environment is going to trump economic development and sound land planning, or land planning is going to trump the environment,“ said Mark Viani, a longtime Mount Vernon-area civic activist and co-chair of the MVCCA, who spoke at the hearing in his role as a representative for the prospective developer of the 8800 property, Stanley Martin Homes. “The solution, the way forward, is that they’ll have to work together.”
Mount Vernon area resident Peter Sitnik and his siblings own 8800 Richmond Highway. The Sitniks’ parents had owned most of the land since the early 1950s, and Peter Sitnik can recall the era when an amusement park operated on the property, complete with a steam locomotive and coal car that ran around a one-mile track.
Since then, the property has changed dramatically. Dogue Creek was re-routed at some point from its original flow, and the various industrial and commercial uses made a great deal of the surface area impervious. A large part of the original 35-acre property was given to the Fairfax County Park Authority in the 1990s, which then became Pole Road Park.
Sitnik said his family has been open to offers for the property for years, but none of those proposals were as serious as the townhouse redevelopment offered by Stanley Martin in 2014. The developer is aware of the site’s environmental challenges, and has said the townhouse project would incorporate modern stormwater management to the site and reduce the impervious surface by nearly 50 percent. The builder also plans to clean the commercial industrial debris from the site, fill in the floodplain to keep houses safe from weather events and donate three more acres of land to Pole Road Park.
Sitnik said he’s worried that if the current proposal doesn’t go through, the property will remain stuck in its current condition because other private developers and the county are not interested in buying the land.
“This is the only buyer … in 60-some years who’s ever spent the time and money to get this far into the process, and who’s agreed to clean it up, to make it better,” Sitnik testified.
![Drawing of townhome community](
An overhead image of the townhome community shared at the Planning Commission meeting. The Sacramento Center is at right.
Other supporters see the townhouse project as a major chance to improve the southern end of the 7.5 mile Richmond Highway corridor between the Beltway and Fort Belvoir. The southern end of the corridor has not seen the level of redevelopment that the rest of the Highway has in recent years, and residents testifying before the commission say a successful redevelopment of 8800 Richmond Highway could have major impact on improving the area overall.
“We see this project as transformative to the area, and it will be the start of the revitalization of the Woodlawn [Community Business Center],” said Karen Pohorylo, president of the Engleside Civic Association.
Opponents of redeveloping the property, which included representatives from the Friends of Little Hunting Creek, the Friends of Accotink Creek, and the Northern Virginia Conservation Trust, said no development at the site could adequately improve the environmental conditions around Dogue Creek.
Betsy Martin, president of the Friends of Little Hunting Creek, testified that a 43-townhome development did not meet the “extraordinary circumstances” threshold to allow for development in a flood plain and EQC. She also said the development plan clashed with guidance adopted in the Embark amendment, and noted that it said 38 additional acres of parkland will be needed as the population of the corridor increases in the coming years.
“This is exactly the sort of site that should be preserved and restored as open space, one of the ecological spines envisioned in the Embark Plan,” Martin said.
The shortest, and perhaps bluntest, testimony of the night came from Philip Latasa of the Friends of Accotink Creek. Noting that county staff was worried about what precedent would be set by developing in the flood plain, Latasa said he was more worried about another precedent.
“The precedent that would be established is to tell landowners that they can abuse and degrade protected areas to that point that anything will seem like an improvement, and then they can cash out,” Latasa said.
“Perspective” developer? Perhaps you meant “prospective”?
“…the sort of site that should be persevered….”? Perhaps she meant “preserved”?
You’re hired! Thanks for the fixes.
Excellent article, very well done. Nice job!
You might want to talk to VDOT and the Route 1 widening for that area. The bridge over Dogue creek is scheduled to be raised 11 ft and this property is going to loose frontage and have a lovely view of a bridge.
I for one think that the site should not be developed into an ‘upscale’ housing site. Besides all the rules and regulations common sense says we no longer fill in wetlands areas. Maybe Fairfax County can procure the land and add it to the Pole Road parkland?
People in the Mount Vernon District against this development proposal, many that don’t actually reside directly on the Richmond Highway corridor, fail to acknowledge the extraordinary circumstances, that those who actually reside on the corridor face every day as it regards environmental quality. Sites similar to this, exist from the beltway all the way to Fort Belvoir, that are extraordinarily degraded as a consequence of past development decisions and practices from times when watersheds were given little due consideration as a factor in any development proposal. The unintended consequences of these past development practices have left nearby residents with fractured and severely degraded nearby watersheds for which there is little to none in the way of public funding to restore these ecosystems. Rather than accuse the developer of trying to “cash out” why not embrace the proposed improvements as making the surrounding wetlands and streams more accessible to the public in general and by doing so, creating a site that is more inviting for recreational use. At present, like so many of the sites along the corridor, it is not inviting and lacks broad public interest because few people visit the area. Nearby residents recognize it for what it is, a public eyesore and a degraded habitat that has the potential to be transformed into a place with new residents next to the property that will surely advocate for more environmental improvements to the natural resources adjoining their new homes. If there is one thing the residents of the corridor deserve, it is to have opportunities for more inviting and usable recreational space that serves their immediate neighborhoods. Mount Vernon residents residing in many communities east of Richmond Highway are fortunate to have beautifully developed recreational and natural amenities within or adjacent to their neighborhoods. It is time for the residents actually living on the much maligned corridor to have their fair share of the same amenities.
Very well put Martin!! I agree!
This development is not consistent with the Embark Richmond Highway Plan, and will block, not enhance, access by local residents to parkland. The Corridor is already underserved in terms of parks, and the Embark Plan says that 38 additional acres of parks will be needed to serve the 40,000 new residents expected to live in the Corridor. Building 43 townhomes in the floodplain does not create recreational opportunities for residents. The so-called “restoration” proposed by the developer makes permanent past environmental damage and precludes true restoration of the stream and its buffer. This property should, and could (with a concerted effort), provide public access to Dogue Creek and its wetlands north and south of Richmond Highway, It could be a beautiful water trail and park for canoeists, kayakers, birders, and fisherman.