Police blotter: 7-Eleven in Hybla Valley area robbed at gunpoint

The 7-Eleven at 7330 Richmond Highway. (Google Maps image)
A 7-Eleven in the Hybla Valley area was held up early Wednesday morning, according to Thursday’s Fairfax County Police blotter.
The robbery happened just before 4 a.m. at the store at 7330 Richmond Highway (see map). A 911 hangup call prompted officers to respond to the store, but the robber had already fled.
The police were told that a man came into the store, pulled a gun and demanded the clerk give him cash. After getting an undisclosed amount of money from the clerk, the robber left the scene, according to police.
The robbery is the third reported in May in the Richmond Highway area, according to CrimeReports.com, which the FCPD uploads data to each weekday. The two previous robberies in May were not reported in the daily police blotter updates issued by the department.
More incidents from the Mount Vernon police district reported in Thursday’s blotter:
Burglary/Destruction of Property: 7900 block of Janna Lee Avenue, 05/16/18, 8:44 a.m. Someone broke into a home causing damage.
Larceny: 2500 block of Parkers Lane, packages from residence
Larceny: 6300 block of Richmond Highway, beer from business
Larceny: 7800 block of Richmond Highway, keys from business
Larceny: 8000 block of Richmond Highway, merchandise from business
Larceny: 6600 block of Tower Drive, wallet from residence
Larceny: 6600 block of Wakefield Drive, cash from vehicle
Stolen Vehicle: 2600 block of Arlington Drive, 2013 Toyota Corolla
Stolen Vehicle: 7200 block of Jon Paul Drive, 2015 Toyota RAV4
Incidents reported in Wednesday’s blotter:
Larceny: 2600 block of Arlington Drive, property from residence
Larceny: 1600 block of Belle View Boulevard, merchandise from business
Larceny: 2300 block of Huntington Avenue, beer from business
Larceny: 6200 block of Shields Avenue, merchandise from business
Stolen Vehicle: 3400 block of Spring Drive, 20001 Toyota Celica
Stolen Vehicle: 6600 block of Tower Drive, 2016 Toyota Tundra
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