Happy New Year, and thanks for supporting Covering The Corridor

Graph of page views

CoveringTheCorridor.com’s page views per month in 2017.

As 2017 ends and 2018 begins, I’d like to personally thank everyone who has supported Covering The Corridor. This was our first full year of covering the Richmond Highway area, and it was a tremendous experience to welcome so many new readers. 

Covering The Corridor saw a dramatic increase in website traffic compared with 2016, culminating with more than 60,000 page views in the month of December. We’ll finish 2017 with more than 210,000 total visitors to the site, and more than 367,000 total page views. 

This website has been a part-time job since I started it in early 2016. It’s grown bigger than I imagined, and I appreciate all the people who have sent words of encouragement, story ideas and complaints (honestly).

It has not always been easy, and our growth has not attracted as many sponsors and advertisers as we would have liked. My goal for 2018 is to continue the site’s growth while securing more financial support. That support will hopefully allow us to cover a wider variety of news — more coverage of Richmond Highway’s continuing transformation, more local politics, more high school sports and more deeper looks at the people and events that shape the community. 

Without a doubt, 2018 will be another news-filled year for the Richmond Highway area. I hope to chronicle as much as possible, learn more about this wonderful community and continue to provide information in a timely, useful and accurate manner. 

Thanks, and never hesitate to drop me a line. 

Phil Creed
Publisher, Covering The Corridor
[email protected]

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  1. Shell Di