Moped driver injured in Route 1 crash that shut down highway Monday afternoon

The scene of where an SUV struck a moped Monday afternoon on Route 1.
A moped driver was seriously injured in a collision with an SUV yesterday afternoon on Richmond Highway that caused major rush hour delays.
The crash happened around 4:25 p.m. near the intersection of Woodlawn Trail in the Hybla Valley area. Both sides of Route 1 were closed for a time to allow the Fairfax1 helicopter to land and medevac the moped driver from the scene.
A police spokeswoman said Tuesday morning that the moped driver sustained non-life-threatening injuries, and was medevaced as a precaution.
The driver of the SUV stayed on the scene. No charges had been filed against either driver as of Tuesday morning, according to police.
Monday’s crash was the second serious accident on Route 1 in the Hybla Valley area in three days. On Saturday night a traffic accident near the Lockheed Boulevard intersection briefly closed both sides of the road, according to a witness. Police said the crash resulted in minor injuries, and one car needed to be towed from the scene.
The wreck also knocked out power for more than 1,000 customers in the area, according to an update on their website after the crash. It’s unclear exactly how many customers were without power and for how long; a resident of the Mount Vernon Square Apartments said that power was restored there around 4 a. m.
Dominion Energy did not respond to an email seeking more information.
I was curious what exactly caused the power outage in the accident Saturday? Was a pole struck and wires simply came loose, or did the pole snap near the top, or did it fall completely over? And was this on the east or west side (Franconia District), of Rt. 1, and was it below the Lockheed intersection, or going uphill to the north?
Good questions. I never got a response from Dominion, and the police will only provide so much information about non-fatal crashes. The crash was below the Lockheed intersection, and a witness said the wreck affected both the south bound and northbound lanes. Also the west side of Route 1 is not the Franconia police district at that point in the road.