Update on Richmond Highway-area transportation projects

Sidewalk construction along the southbound lanes of Richmond Highway near Huntington.
Here’s an update on transit and pedestrian projects in progress or scheduled to be completed in the next few years around the Route 1 area, according to the February 2017 Fairfax County Transportation Status Report. The full report, prepared by Fairfax County Department of Transportation, was shared at Tuesday’s Board of Supervisors meeting.
Project: Fort Hunt Road Walkway from Belle View Boulevard to Belle View Elementary School
Description: Construct walkway on east side of Fort Hunt Road from Belle View Boulevard to Belle View Elementary School
Estimated Completion Date: Feb. 2017
Notes: Construction substantially completed in December 2016, ahead of schedule.
Project: Route 1 northbound from Engleside Street to Forest Place (Richmond Highway Public Transportation Initiative or RHPTI)
Description: 460 linear feet of concrete sidewalk from Engleside Street to Forest Place
Estimated Completion Date: April 2017
Notes: Construction awarded January 2017. Schedule adjusted to match updated construction duration.
Project: Route 1 northbound from Radford Avenue to Frye Road (RHPTI)
Description: 940 linear feet of concrete sidewalk along the east side of Route 1
Estimated Completion Date: April 2017
Notes: Construction is 60 percent complete. Schedule adjusted to match updated construction duration.
Project: Route 1 southbound from Belle Haven Towers Cityside Huntington Metro apartments to Mount Eagle Drive (RHPTI)
Description: 110 linear feet of 5-foot concrete sidewalk along west of Richmond Highway at the intersection of Mount Eagle Drive
Estimated Completion Date: April 2017
Notes: Construction is 5 percent complete. Schedule adjusted to match updated construction duration.
Project: Route 1 southbound from Russell Road to Gregory Drive (RHPTI)
Description: 270 linear feet of concrete sidewalk along west side of Route 1, including a signalized crosswalk
Estimated Completion Date: April 2017
Notes: Construction 80 percent complete. Schedule adjusted to match updated construction duration.
Project: Route 1/Arlington Drive (Richmond Highway Public Transportation Initiative)
Description: Pedestrian intersection improvements
Estimated Completion Date: October 2016
Notes: Temporary shelter installed; installation of new permanent shelters expected in April 2017.
Project: Route 1/Belford Drive (RHPTI)
Description: Pedestrian intersection improvements
Estimated Completion Date: June 2017
Notes: Construction 65 percent complete. Permit revision for Mohawk submitted on Nov. 16. Received permit revision approval for Belford Drive on Jan. 3 and submitted to UDCD on Jan. 6.
Project: Route 1/Frye Road Phase II (RHPTI)
Description: Pedestrian intersection improvements
Estimated Completion Date: June 2017
Notes: Construction is 30 percent complete. Permit revision for signal plan submitted to VDOT on Nov. 21, 2016. Comments response submitted on Jan. 12. Delayed resolution and approval of drainage and signal conduit installation issues may extend project completion beyond June 2017. The delay was due to permit revision for signal plan. Received approved revised signal plan Feb. 17.
Project: Route 1/Ladson Lane (RHPTI)
Description: Pedestrian intersection improvements
Estimated Completion Date: June 2017
Notes: Construction is 85 percent complete.
Project: Route 1/Mohawk Lane (RHPTI)
Description: Pedestrian intersection improvements
Estimated Completion Date: June 2017
Notes: Project combined with Route 1/Belford Drive. Construction is 60 percent complete. Permit revision for Mohawk submitted on Nov. 11, 2016. Received permit revision approval for Belford Drive on Jan. 3 and submitted to UDCD on Jan. 6. Delayed resolution and approval of drainage and signal conduit installation issues may extend project completion beyond June 2017. The delay was due to permit revision for drainage issue. Received drainage comments from VDOT on Jan. 30. Responded to comments and are finalizing plans for approval.
Project: Route 1/Lukens Lane Phase II (RHPTI)
Description: Pedestrian intersection improvements
Estimated Completion Date: December 2017
Notes: Additional easement required for street light and pedestrian signal pole. Final plat has been completed. Schedule adjusted, due to land right acquisition process.
Project: Route 1 northbound from Fairhaven Avenue/Quander Road to hotels (RHPTI)
Description: 5-foot concrete sidewalk along east side Richmond Hwy from Fair Haven Avenue/Quander Road to Virginia Lodge motel
Estimated Completion Date: December 2017
Notes: Construction awarded January 2017. Schedule adjusted to match updated construction duration.
Project:Route 1 Northbound from Virginia Lodge motel to Huntington Avenue (RHPTI)
Description: 1,375 linear feet of 5-foot concrete sidewalk and extension of a box culvert along the east of Richmond Highway
Estimated Completion Date: March 2018
Notes: Permit received Dec. 15, 2016. Changes to Verizon relocation design resulted in changes to both the utility relocation and the construction schedules.
Project: Route 1 Southbound from Roxbury Drive to Russell Road (RHPTI)
Description: 520 linear feet of concrete sidewalk along the west side of Route 1
Estimated Completion Date: March 2018
Notes: Construction award February 2017. Schedule was adjusted to match construction contract duration and because of additional time required for utility relocations.
Project: North Kings Highway/Fort Drive
Description: Replace existing span wire with mast arms on each approach. Install pedestrian signals on each approach, and add marked crosswalks and ADA compliant curb ramps.
Estimated Completion Date: Winter 2018
Notes: VDOT incorporating into their signal rebuild project at this location. Scope completed and forwarded to VDOT for implementation in April 2016. Design plans are currently being updated to incorporate changes in standards and specifications that went into effect in late 2016. Final design completed February 2017. New on-call contract awarded with project construction starting in spring 2017 and completion expected in winter 2018. Coordinating with VDOT to determine exact schedule.
Project: Jefferson Manor Improvements Phase IIIA
Description: Infrastructure reconstruction on Albemarle Drive in Jefferson Manor
Estimated Completion Date: April 2019
Notes: Pre-final plans submitted Jan. 6.
Project: Quander Road Walkway from West Potomac High School to Quander Road School
Description: Approximately 1,800 linear feet of walkway on west side of Quander Road from southern West Potomac High School frontage to Quander Road School
Estimated Completion Date: October 2019
Notes: Pre-final design in progress.
Project: North Kings Highway Intersection Improvement Study
Description: Evaluate alternative improvement measures that address existing and future operational issues from Route 1 to Fort Drive
Estimated Completion Date: TBD
Notes: Project is included in the 2014 Transportation Bond Referendum which voters approved in November 2014. Online public survey of alternatives reflected a desire to retain existing road and traffic signal configurations. Analysis of an additional alternative was completed in summer 2016 with county staff and VDOT coming to a consensus on analysis results in January 2017. The study is complete. Staff is preparing to post final study recommendations online to inform the community. This alternative realigns North Kings Highway and Shields Avenue, retains the traffic signal at North Kings Highway and School Street, and assumes a new traffic signal at North Kings Highway and Poag Street in addition to a pedestrian signal being proposed in front of Mount Eagle Elementary School.
Project: Telegraph Road Walkway
Description: Install 3,500 LF asphalt sidewalk and 4-foot bicycle lane along east side of Telegraph Road from South Kings Highway to Lee District Park
Estimated Completion Date: TBD
Notes: Final design is in progress, and utility relocation design underway. There was a conference call Dec. 5, 2016 with GSA, Army, DOT, LAD, FCPA, Supervisor’s Office, and Rep. Don Beyer’s office about easements for DOT and GSA encroachment on Lee District Park. The project schedule is TBD and dependent on resolution of issues with GSA/Army.
Project: Telegraph Road Walkway Phase I from Pike Road to Rose Hill Drive
Description: Install 1,235 LF of 5-foot wide concrete sidewalk along missing links, including crosswalks and curb ramps
Estimated Completion Date: January 2020
Notes: Comments on second advance copy of intermediate design were provided to consultant Jan. 5. Resubmission of advance plans will be made and reviewed prior to intermediate plan distribution. Utility designation received Dec. 23, 2016.
Project: Telegraph Road Walkway Phase II from Pike Road to Wilton Road
Description: Install 5-foot wide concrete sidewalk along missing links, including crosswalks and curb ramps
Estimated Completion Date: TBD
Notes: FCDOT is working in coordination with the Fairfax County Park Authority to create a cost estimate for a pedestrian bridge across the stream. Developing scope for alternative analysis study to investigate options.
Project: Telegraph Road Walkway Phase III from Wilton Road to Farmington Drive
Description: Install 960 linear feet of 5-foot wide concrete sidewalk along missing links, including crosswalks and curb ramps
Estimated Completion Date: January 2020
Notes: Advance copy of intermediate design plans was received on in Dec. 2016. Consultant meeting was held Jan. 5 to review. Resubmission of advance plans will be made and reviewed prior to intermediate plan distribution. Utility designation received Dec. 23, 2016.
Project: Mount Vernon Memorial Highway – Potomac Heritage National Scenic Trail
Description: Complete missing segments of trail from southeast of Route 1 in the vicinity of the Washington’s Mill Historic State Park to Grist Mill Park, including bridge over Dogue Creek
Estimated Completion Date: TBD
Notes: Project scoping and initial coordination in progress. Anticipate completing scoping and forwarding for design in summer 2017.
Project: Old Mount Vernon Road Walkway from Mount Vernon Highway to Westgate Drive
Description: Construct 5-foot sidewalk on the west side of Old Mount Vernon Road
Estimated Completion Date: March 2020
Notes: Schedule adjusted to allow time for required historical property investigation.
Project: Fort Hunt Road and Collingwood Road
Description: Construct left turn lanes on both northbound and southbound Fort Hunt Road, including a new traffic signal, pedestrian signals, and walkways on both sides of Fort Hunt Road
Estimated Completion Date: TBD
Notes: Scoping and initial coordination in progress. Anticipate completing scoping in spring 2017. Scoping included a left turn lane warrant analysis. Scheduling meeting with district supervisor’s office to discuss next steps.
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